English speaking Doctors

Need to see a doctor in the Murcia Province?

No need to be worried about the language as well as your health! Should you need to see an English speaking Doctor, here is a list of Doctors in the region.

Here is a list of English speaking doctors in the Murcia region

+34 968 36 50 00

    Calle Dr. Román Alberca s/n, Murcia,

    +34 968 23 87 30

  • English speaking ORTHOPEADIC SURGEON
    Dr. Jorge de las Heras ROMERO, Clinica San Bartolome, Calle Jabonerias 2, 1 A, Murcia 30001. Phone: (+34) 665797754.

Email: jorgeheras@gmail.com.
Orthopaedic Surgeon specialised in General Orthopaedics and Foot and Ankle Surgery.

    Manuel Serrano
    Centro Medico la Constitución
    Plaza Preciosa, 1 entresuelo
    30008 Murcia
    Cell: 650 061 175
    (At this clinic there are other English speaking doctors in the fields of Odontology,
    Podology, Psycology, Dermatology and Traumatology).
  • CLINICA DENTAL ALEMANA Y CENTRO MÉDICO,                                                 

General medicine, physiotherapy, chiropody and nutrition,

Edif. Ipanema 1 Bloque 1, Km.3,

La Manga del Mar Menor,  

Telephone: 968 564 757                                        

Need a Doctor in the Murcia province, here is a list for you: here is a list of doctors

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